The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are international goals for a sustainable and better world by the year 2030.
The SDGs were set as new global goals to replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which were formulated in 2001 and reached their achievement deadline in 2015.
Consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets (concrete goals), the SDGs pledge to “leave no one behind” in the world.
The SDGs are universal, not just for developing countries but for advanced nations as well. Japan, and our company as well, are actively working towards them.

We are a company that primarily manufactures non-durable consumer goods, such as tea bags filters and coffee drip filters, and we have been working on making products that do not place a burden on the environment.
We believe that our product manufacturing philosophy will lead to the SDGs efforts of aiming for a more sustainable world, as we actively promote it.

Efforts 01
Promotion of Plant-Derived Filters

By promoting plant-derived compostable beverage filters, we will reduce the amount of petroleum used as a raw material for tea and coffee bags, and the carbon dioxide generated during their incineration. Additionally, since they are disintegrated completely at the industrial compost facility, this also contributes to solving the waste problem.

- Main Activities
- Continuous development of filters for plant-derived beverages.
Customer visits, exhibitions, website introductions.
Appeal of environmentally-friendly products by acquiring green and biomass plastic, and compost certification.
Efforts 02
Environmental Improvement Activities

We will work on energy conservation and improving the local environment in our corporate activities.

- Main Activities
- Numerical management of electricity consumption and industrial waste emissions by the Environmental Committee.
Power management by demand (Yasu factory).
Use low fuel consumption and low pollution cars for the company car.
Collect plastic bottle caps.
Implement community cleaning.
Efforts 03
Quality and Food Safety

We will develop and manufacture products with the highest priority on quality and safety when used by consumers and manufacturers.

- Main Activities
- With the acquisition of the ISO9001 and FSSC22000 certification, we are continuing our steady efforts for quality and food safety.
Beverage filter products have undergone analytical tests based on the Food Sanitation Act, and have been issued with a report.
Efforts 04
Support Activities for School Education

At a first glance, tea bags and coffee drip bags seem to be simple, casually-used products, however they have been commercialized through various processes.
Our company has established a place for social learning and vocational education, so that children can learn about the difficulties and joys of making things through the manufacturing process.
We also support children learning and developing an interest in environmental issues through providing information and materials on environmentally-friendly products as school materials.

- Main Activities
- Factory tour for elementary and junior high school students, accept internships for high school students.
Provide plant-derived filter materials for junior high school Japanese language and elementary school home economics classes.
Efforts 05
Employment Support for the Disabled

We are striving to increase the opportunities for people with disabilities to work, by providing a place for vocational training at our factory for people with disabilities, and outsourcing work to employment support facilities.

- Main Activities
- Accepting work trainees
Work consignment to disabled persons’ workplace